
The Essentials

Opening a Dataset

The module includes a function to open an RSK file:

>>> import pyrsktools # Import the library
>>> rsk ='some_rsk.rsk') # Load up an RSK

This returns an RSK object against which all other library operations are performed.

Once you’re finished with the dataset, it should be closed:

>>> rsk.close()

open can also be used with the with statement:

>>> with'some_rsk.rsk') as rsk:
>>>     # Do something with the RSK. It will be automatically closed
>>>     # at the end of the block.

What’s Inside?


The RSK provides some basic metadata about itself:

>>> # What was the filename of the RSK?

the instrument that recorded it:

>>> rsk.instrument # What instrument was used?
Instrument(serial=80281, model='RBRmaestro', firmware_version='1.2', firmware_type=103)
>>> rsk.channels # What channels were present on the instrument?
OrderedDict([('conductivity_00', Channel(id=1, key='cond06', label='conductivity_00', name='Conductivity', units='mS/cm', derived=False)), ('temperature_00', Channel(id=2, key='temp09', label='temperature_00', name='Temperature', units='°C', derived=False)), ('pressure_00', Channel(id=3, key='pres19', label='pressure_00', name='Pressure', units='dbar', derived=False)), ('oxygensaturation_00', Channel(id=4, key='doxy09', label='oxygensaturation_00', name='Dissolved O₂', units='%', derived=False)), ('chlorophyll_00', Channel(id=5, key='fluo10', label='chlorophyll_00', name='Chlorophyll a', units='µg/l', derived=False)), ('cdom_00', Channel(id=6, key='fluo11', label='cdom_00', name='CDOM', units='ppb', derived=False)), ('turbidity_00', Channel(id=7, key='turb01', label='turbidity_00', name='Turbidity', units='NTU', derived=False)), ('seapressure_00', Channel(id=8, key='pres08', label='seapressure_00', name='Sea pressure', units='dbar', derived=True)), ('depth_00', Channel(id=9, key='dpth01', label='depth_00', name='Depth', units='m', derived=True)), ('salinity_00', Channel(id=10, key='sal_00', label='salinity_00', name='Salinity', units='PSU', derived=True))])

and the deployment:

>>> rsk.deployment
Deployment(id=1, comment='', logger_status=None, logger_time_drift=0, download_time=datetime.datetime(2015, 9, 11, 7, 12, 30, 905000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), name='080281_20150911_1112.rsk', sample_size=6711588)


But you probably care most about the sample data. Samples can be accessed in two ways. They can always be accessed iteratively, via a generator:

>>> rsk.samples()
<generator object RSK.samples at 0x10741bf10>
>>> import itertools
>>> for sample in itertools.islice(rsk.samples(), 3):
...     sample
Sample(timestamp=datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 29, 8, 28, 9, 333000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), conductivity_00=50.468727111816406, temperature_00=28.92376708984375, pressure_00=19.332664489746094, oxygensaturation_00=103.3949203491211, chlorophyll_00=0.128173828125, cdom_00=0.0048828125, turbidity_00=1.0341796875, seapressure_00=9.200664520263672, depth_00=9.144135475158691, salinity_00=30.400436401367188)
Sample(timestamp=datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 29, 8, 28, 9, 500000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), conductivity_00=50.469181060791016, temperature_00=28.92388916015625, pressure_00=19.370471954345703, oxygensaturation_00=103.39202880859375, chlorophyll_00=0.1822509765625, cdom_00=0.082763671875, turbidity_00=1.0419921875, seapressure_00=9.238471984863281, depth_00=9.181711196899414, salinity_00=30.40065574645996)
Sample(timestamp=datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 29, 8, 28, 9, 667000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), conductivity_00=50.468833923339844, temperature_00=28.92388916015625, pressure_00=19.395383834838867, oxygensaturation_00=103.46443939208984, chlorophyll_00=0.24127197265625, cdom_00=0.116455078125, turbidity_00=1.0439453125, seapressure_00=9.263383865356445, depth_00=9.206469535827637, salinity_00=30.400409698486328)

Or if NumPy is available, they can be retrieved into an array:

>>> rsk.npsamples()
array([ (datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 29, 8, 28, 9, 333000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),   5.04687271e+01,  28.92376709,  19.33266449,  103.39492035,  0.12817383,  0.00488281,  1.03417969,  9.20066452,  9.14413548,   3.04004364e+01),
       (datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 29, 8, 28, 9, 500000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),   5.04691811e+01,  28.92388916,  19.37047195,  103.39202881,  0.18225098,  0.08276367,  1.04199219,  9.23847198,  9.1817112 ,   3.04006557e+01),
       (datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 29, 8, 28, 9, 667000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),   5.04688339e+01,  28.92388916,  19.39538383,  103.46443939,  0.24127197,  0.11645508,  1.04394531,  9.26338387,  9.20646954,   3.04004097e+01),
       (datetime.datetime(2015, 9, 11, 7, 11, 26, 833000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),   5.70757780e-04,  21.03649902,  10.05975151,  105.14163208, -0.0090332 , -0.18981934, -0.04785156, -0.07224846, -0.07180457,   1.03646256e-02),
       (datetime.datetime(2015, 9, 11, 7, 11, 27, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),   9.17379744e-04,  21.03649902,  10.06026268,  105.09892273, -0.01196289, -0.18041992, -0.0390625 , -0.07173729, -0.07129654,   1.03617543e-02),
       (datetime.datetime(2015, 9, 11, 7, 11, 27, 167000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),  -3.77910328e-04,  21.03656006,  10.06090927,  105.13765717, -0.01171875, -0.17102051, -0.02880859, -0.0710907 , -0.07065392,   0.00000000e+00)],
      dtype=[('timestamp', 'O'), ('conductivity_00', '<f8'), ('temperature_00', '<f8'), ('pressure_00', '<f8'), ('oxygensaturation_00', '<f8'), ('chlorophyll_00', '<f8'), ('cdom_00', '<f8'), ('turbidity_00', '<f8'), ('seapressure_00', '<f8'), ('depth_00', '<f8'), ('salinity_00', '<f8')])

Data returned from both the samples and npsamples functions can be time-limited via the start_time and end_time named arguments:

>>> from datetime import datetime, timezone
>>> rsk.npsamples(start_time=datetime(2015, 9, 2, tzinfo=timezone.utc),
...               end_time=datetime(2015, 9, 3, tzinfo=timezone.utc))
array([ (datetime.datetime(2015, 9, 2, 0, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),  50.78747177,  23.58898926,   97.16591644,  2.78220224,  0.44580078,  0.55810547, -0.15380859,   87.03392029,   86.49918365,  34.35256195),
       (datetime.datetime(2015, 9, 2, 0, 0, 0, 167000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),  50.81333542,  23.61236572,   97.32424164,  2.77061081,  0.44104004,  0.54382324, -0.15332031,   87.19224548,   86.65653992,  34.35404587),
       (datetime.datetime(2015, 9, 2, 0, 0, 0, 333000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),  50.84253311,  23.61846924,   97.51081848,  2.74815583,  0.42736816,  0.5559082 , -0.15722656,   87.3788147 ,   86.84196472,  34.3714447 ),
       (datetime.datetime(2015, 9, 2, 23, 59, 59, 500000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),  47.95243073,  20.36456299,  113.82951355,  0.53426731,  0.95812988,  0.65759277, -0.08203125,  103.69750977,  103.06039429,  34.69152832),
       (datetime.datetime(2015, 9, 2, 23, 59, 59, 667000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),  47.94488144,  20.36938477,  113.88066864,  0.53906661,  0.96099854,  0.65661621, -0.08105469,  103.74867249,  103.1112442 ,  34.681427  ),
       (datetime.datetime(2015, 9, 2, 23, 59, 59, 833000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),  47.93851089,  20.36968994,  113.9302597 ,  0.53700191,  0.96630859,  0.63171387, -0.06982422,  103.79826355,  103.16053009,  34.67597961)],
      dtype=[('timestamp', 'O'), ('conductivity_00', '<f8'), ('temperature_00', '<f8'), ('pressure_00', '<f8'), ('oxygensaturation_00', '<f8'), ('chlorophyll_00', '<f8'), ('cdom_00', '<f8'), ('turbidity_00', '<f8'), ('seapressure_00', '<f8'), ('depth_00', '<f8'), ('salinity_00', '<f8')])

The values given are expected to be datetime objects.

Sample data is intended to be easily explorable through the use of named fields:

>>> # The average of the first 6,000 temperature values:
>>> temperatures = [row.temperature_00 for row in itertools.islice(rsk.samples(), 6_000)]
>>> sum(temperatures) / len(temperatures)
>>> # All salinity values from the start of the dataset to a cutoff date:
>>> rsk.npsamples(end_time=datetime(2015, 8, 29, 13, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc))['salinity_00']
array([ 30.4004364 ,  30.40065575,  30.4004097 , ...,  32.32573318,
    32.32009506,  32.31411743])


The iOS and Android apps collect GPS geodata, which is accessible via the geodata function:

>>> rsk.geodata()
<generator object RSK.geodata at 0x1245cdf48>
>>> import itertools
>>> for geo in itertools.islice(rsk.geodata(), 3):
...     geo
Geo(timestamp=datetime.datetime(2019, 9, 27, 16, 24, 45, 145000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), latitude=48.66791163945951, longitude=-123.38619064505487, accuracy=7.074523989379777, accuracyType='HoriPhone')
Geo(timestamp=datetime.datetime(2019, 9, 27, 16, 24, 46, 145000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), latitude=48.667910759559035, longitude=-123.38618598100749, accuracy=6.162333509464028, accuracyType='HoriPhone')
Geo(timestamp=datetime.datetime(2019, 9, 27, 16, 24, 47, 145000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), latitude=48.66790415214656, longitude=-123.38618235385722, accuracy=5.5269390333275465, accuracyType='HoriPhone')


If you deployed your instrument with cast detection enabled, you can easily work with the data from each profile or cast.

The profiles function provides a generator to access all profiles:

>>> rsk.profiles()
<generator object RSK._query_regions at 0x10741bf10>
>>> next(rsk.profiles()) # Grab the first profile.
Region(start_time=datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 29, 8, 28, 9, 333000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), end_time=datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 29, 8, 35, 14, 667000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), label='', description=None)

And directional casts can be accessed by direction:

>>> next(rsk.casts(pyrsktools.Region.CAST_DOWN)) # Downcasts...
Region(start_time=datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 29, 8, 28, 9, 333000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), end_time=datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 29, 8, 31, 45, 333000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), label='', description=None)
>>> next(rsk.casts(pyrsktools.Region.CAST_UP)) # ...and upcasts.
Region(start_time=datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 29, 8, 31, 45, 333000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), end_time=datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 29, 8, 35, 14, 667000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), label='', description=None)

The Region object returned by both of these methods provides access to the limited range of samples pertinent to the region in time during which the profile or cast occurred:

>>> cast = next(rsk.casts(pyrsktools.Region.CAST_UP))
>>> cast.samples()
<generator object RSK.samples at 0x10741bf10>
>>> cast.npsamples()
array([ (datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 29, 8, 31, 45, 333000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),  47.28219604,  19.76168823,  115.52977753,   1.56193031e-02,  0.48699951,  0.51086426, -0.17822266,  105.39778137,  104.75022125,  34.63968658),
       (datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 29, 8, 31, 45, 500000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),  47.18008041,  19.68182373,  115.39983368,   7.59091694e-03,  0.49487305,  0.515625  , -0.17773438,  105.26783752,  104.62107849,  34.62173462),
       (datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 29, 8, 31, 45, 667000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),  47.1333313 ,  19.57336426,  115.24497223,   1.43164247e-02,  0.48565674,  0.52685547, -0.18701172,  105.11297607,  104.46716309,  34.67309189),
       (datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 29, 8, 35, 14, 167000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),  50.45388412,  28.91912842,   11.95853233,   1.04415199e+02,  0.35913086,  0.32739258, -0.12060547,    1.82653236,    1.81531024,  30.39524841),
       (datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 29, 8, 35, 14, 333000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),  50.45434189,  28.91921997,   11.91053104,   1.04440277e+02,  0.37084961,  0.29492188, -0.11181641,    1.77853107,    1.76760387,  30.39551353),
       (datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 29, 8, 35, 14, 500000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),  50.45206451,  28.91882324,   11.87156296,   1.04411316e+02,  0.36724854,  0.30310059, -0.11621094,    1.73956299,    1.72887516,  30.39424133)],
      dtype=[('timestamp', 'O'), ('conductivity_00', '<f8'), ('temperature_00', '<f8'), ('pressure_00', '<f8'), ('oxygensaturation_00', '<f8'), ('chlorophyll_00', '<f8'), ('cdom_00', '<f8'), ('turbidity_00', '<f8'), ('seapressure_00', '<f8'), ('depth_00', '<f8'), ('salinity_00', '<f8')])

Useful Things


All of these examples depend on NumPy and Matplotlib:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

and are run against the first upcast found in our dataset:

>>> samples = next(rsk.casts(pyrsktools.Region.CAST_UP)).npsamples()


>>> plt.title('Time-Series Example')
>>> plt.xlabel('Time')
>>> plt.ylabel(rsk.channels['temperature_00'].label())
>>> plt.plot(samples['timestamp'], samples['temperature_00'])
>>> plt.savefig('timeseries.svg')

Depth Plot

>>> plt.title('Depth Plot Example')
>>> plt.xlabel(rsk.channels['salinity_00'].label())
>>> plt.ylabel(rsk.channels['depth_00'].label())
>>> plt.gca().invert_yaxis()
>>> plt.plot(samples['salinity_00'], samples['depth_00'])
>>> plt.savefig('depthplot.svg')